Pawsome Pet Tags

Cool and necessary accessories!


These ID tags are durable and scratchproof (yes, truly!), and feature bold colours and designs that have yet to fade. ID tags in general are undervalued and very often misunderstood by the majority of dog owners - few seem to realise that not only are tags required to be worn on a dog’s collar by law when out in public, but that the information included on the tag is also dictated by law. Helpfully, Pawsome Pet Tags make it super clear on their website exactly what you need to include, and offer a range of cute and funny designs to match your pet’s style and personality.


I recommend these because they’re really sturdy and well-made. In fact, almost too sturdy and well-made, as I had them made up with my previous logo and now although I changed my branding months ago can’t quite bring myself to replace them as they’re all still in such good condition! I’ve been putting these tags through their paces for the past year, and they’ve exceeded all expectations. They get worn by different dogs each day, some on harnesses and some on collars, some going crashing through branches and brambles and some scraping them along rocks and pavement or dipping them in mud and water. After all that, plus a lot of rain, snow, and even some sun, they look just as good as when I first got them. The materials used and method of making preserves the design inside, so none of the colours seem to have faded over the last year, and there are no scratches visible on any of the tags. They do accumulate dirt after a while, but I’ve found it easy enough to clean this off with a damp cloth or cleaning wipe. So, if you’re looking for a long-lasting tag with a unique design then these absolutely have to be my recommendation.

How much?

£9.99 - £13.99


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